종합시험 과목
1.종합시험은 아래 9과목으로 구성되며, 석사과정은 3개를 박사과정은 4개를 선택한다
– The qualify exam consists of 6 subjects as below. Among them, Master and Ph.D. candidates
choose 3 and 4 subjects, respectively:
(1) Analytics theory and its applications
(2) Data mining applications
(3) Special topics in information engineering
(4) Computational intelligence
(5) Data engineering
(6) Artificial neural networks
(7) Agent based modeling
(8) Operational analytics
(9) Technological innovation strategy
2. 시험은 과목당 2시간-오픈북, 통합 시험을 원칙으로 하되, 담당 교수에 따라 변경될 수 있다
– The exam requires 2 hours with open-book for each subject, but not be separated by subjects. The professor in charge of a subject may change the format of the subject exam.
3. 응시 학생은 담당 교수에게 세부 내용을 사전에 확인해야 한다
– A candidate is supposed to consult with the professor for the scope and details of a subject, in advance.
4. 각 과목시험의 70점 이상을 통과로 판정하며, 모든 과목을 통과하면 종합시험 합격으로 판정한다
– Each subject is passed if its score is not less than 70/100, and the exam is passed, only if all subjects are passed.